Friday, May 30, 2014

Types Of Bank

Neeta Shah
Neeta Shah
Contact Details
Office :- 022 - 2895 32 32 / 022 - 2894 87 47 /  022 - 28906363
Neeta Shah - 9821411063
Parth Shah - 9821911063
Kalpesh Shah - 9821106543
Manish Sheth - 9821728465
Skype Id :- neeta.shah30
Shop No. 2 & 11 , Shailesh Apartments,
Borivali West, Mumbai – 400103, India

Monday, May 26, 2014

Vaastu Shastra:

Vaastu Shastra is the term that deals with certain aspects of designing and building living atmosphere that is in harmony with the physical and meta physical forces. Vaastu Shartra also called as Prana in Sanskrit, plays a vital role in India. Vaastu is conceptually similar to Feng Sui, as both tries to harmonize the flow of energy. Vaastu helps to harmonize the exact directions in which the objects, rooms and materials are to be placed.
All places and the physical manifestation of a dwelling are termed as “Vaastu or Vrddhi”. Both the terms originated from “Vas” means to dwell, live, stay.
Mainly there are four categories in Vaastu:
  • The Earth/site also called as “Bhoomi”, the principal dwelling.
  • The structures, arrangements or constructions on earth also called as “Prasada”.
  • Movable objects as vehicles also called as “Yaana”.
  • Furniture also called as “Sayana”. 
All the above said categories suggest Vaastu Shastra starting from real estate property selection, site planning, site direction, position of rooms to the character of buildings.
Basics of Vaastu: Five Elements of Vaastu Shastra
Vaastu deals with direction, movement and architecture combining all the five elements of nature and balances these five elements with human beings and the materials. Hence, the five elements also called as “Paancha Maha Bhootas” in Sanskrit, leads their way to enhance wealth, health, prosperity and happiness in the corresponding human beings life.
The five elements are:
Earth (Bhoomi) – It is the third planet starting from the Sun. It is said to be the biggest magnet with north and south poles as the centre of attractions. This gravitational force attracts all the living and non living beings that stay on earth.
Water (Jala) – All the rains, ponds, rivers, seas and even oceans comes under this category.  Water, so called Jala will be in solid form as ice and in gas form as steam and clouds. It plays a big role in every body’s life.  Blood inside the human being is nothing but water with hemoglobin and oxygen.
Air (Vayu) – This element also plays a big role in all the living beings.  We can’t live at least for a minute without air.  The values of a human being depends on almost all the forms of air as humidity, air flow, temperature, air pressure, air composition and its content.
Fire (Agni) – It represents light and heat without which our lives will be under darkness. All the days, nights, seasons, energy, enthusiasm, passion is because, of this light and heat only.
Space (Aakasha) – This element provides shelter to all the human beings as well as to the above said elements.
Directly or indirectly there is an invisible relation between all these five elements.  Also it is proved that human being cannot survive without these elements.  Hence, by making proper alignments to our living environment or to the real properties, we can gain the complete positive effects of all these natural resources.

We In Aasha Realtors do have one of the best and renowned Vastu shastra and Feng sui  consultant Mr. Bhasker Pujari.
For more details and contact Call...
Neeta Shah
Neeta Shah
Contact Details
Office :- 022 - 2895 32 32 / 022 - 2894 87 47 /  022 - 28906363
Neeta Shah - 9821411063
Parth Shah - 9821911063
Kalpesh Shah - 9821106543
Manish Sheth - 9821728465
Skype Id :- neeta.shah30
Shop No. 2 & 11 , Shailesh Apartments,
Borivali West, Mumbai – 400103, India

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What Is Google+

Google+ is the official social networking platform of Google, one of the world's largest and most popular search engines. Google+ officially debuted in June 2011 and is intended to pull all of Google's peripheral products (Gmail, Google Maps, search, Google Calendar, etc.) into one cohesive network, meant to be as open and as connected as possible, incorporating everything that searchers use at Google into a comprehensive social and content dashboard.

In order to use Google+ efficiently, you'll need to understand a few of the Google+ terms: Circles,Stream, Hangouts, the Google+ toolbar, Profiles,+1's, and Sparks.
Google+ Circles refer to the way you organize your social contacts. You might have one circle for family, one for work colleagues, and one for your favorite hobby. How you choose to interact with these circles is completely up to you, and you can share different content with different groups. You can also choose to have your personal profile information show differently to different groups.
The Google+ Stream is similar to the Facebook news feed in that it's meant to be one centralized dashboard for all content shared by the people you've made connections with on Google+. Information found in the Stream could include text, images, videos, links, and maps.

Tool Bar:

In order to provide you with a personalized experience 
across all of their services, Google requires that you sign in 
with a free Google account. Once you are signed into 
Google, you'll see the Google+ bar appearing across the top 
of any Google service you might be using, and can access 
any Google service from this toolbar as well, including 

Hangouts and Chat:

Google+ Hangouts are meant to be live social networking,
 connecting with people who are online right this minute via
 instant messaging, live video chat, or group conversations.Google+ Chat gives you the opportunity to communicate directly and instantly with people you've already initiated chatting privileges with from other Google services. The people in your Google+ Circles can be invited (or not) to your chat session as well.
Sparks are simply your particular areas of interest, chosen 
and edited by you for relevance. Google+ presents a variety 
of possible Sparks you might be interested in, and you can 
add or subtract to these topics as you see fit. You can share
your favorite Sparks with people in your Circles, or 
investigate the Spark further by drilling down into the 
content that generated the initial Spark.

Google Profiles are your public and personal presentation to the world on all Google services, including Google+. It's up to you how much information you choose to share publicly on your Google Profile; by default, your full name and gender are visible to the general public.
Google+ is available on several different Web-enabled 
mobile devices, and can be used in the same way that 
Google+ is utilized on a desktop computer. For more 
information on how to access Google+ for your phone,
 read Google+ Mobile Help.

 The names of the Circles that people are involved in are not publicly shared, but content can be seen by people who are not necessarily in the intended Circle.
·  An item shared in your Stream can potentially open up 
   originally private content.
   Your Google Profile can be displayed publicly as part of 
   someone else's network.
· Your email address can be seen on other services' chat lists than Google+.Most privacy concerns people might have with Google+ seem to come with simple fixes; however, it's best to be cautious when sharing information across a public network.
 A New Social Network:
Google+ is Google's social network, meant to be a dynamic 
convergence of all of Google's many services in one 
collaborative, intelligent, open network. Google+ works 
similarly to other social networks, but with a few important 
differences and terminology.

  Circles allow you to group your contacts into intuitive groupings, based on relationship.
·   Hangouts: Instant conversations via video and chat, both with groups and individuals.
·   Photos: Use Google+ to share your favorite photos and on-the-go images.
·   Sparks: Topics of interest, chosen and edited by you, that you can explore and share.
·   Huddle: Collaborative group chat with multiple people on the same page at the same time.

Neeta Shah
Neeta Shah
Contact Details
Office :- 022 - 2895 32 32 / 022 - 2894 87 47 /  022 - 28906363
Neeta Shah - 9821411063
Parth Shah - 9821911063
Kalpesh Shah - 9821106543
Manish Sheth - 9821728465
Skype Id :- neeta.shah30
Shop No. 2 & 11 , Shailesh Apartments,
Borivali West, Mumbai – 400103, India

Real Estate Advantages

Real Estate Advantages 

Real estate investment requires a lot of technical knowledge and hard work. Real estate investment involves high financial costs. Even though, many people are showing their interest to invest in real estate.
When you invest in real estate shares or equity in the stock market, you look for appreciation in the stock value and dividend income if it is paid by the company. If you invest in bonds, you look for income yield on the interest rate paid by the bonds. But, if you invest in a real estate property, you can get superior returns on your investment.

Cash flow:

The difference between your income and the expenses that relates to specific part of investment is nothing but cash flow. This could be either positive or negative. A properly selected and managed a property will provide a steady income in the form of rentals. The real estate investor has a bit more control over the risks for the cash flow. Though there are downturns in real estate prices, the rent will continue without any corresponding decrease in the rent amounts.

Appreciation in the value:

There are two kinds of real estate appreciations, the external and internal. External appreciation needs nothing to do for the actual property but, it comes from economical conditions and land scarcity. Internal appreciation comes from the improvements to the actual property and it is easier for you to control. You have to invest a property in need of repair or improvements and so you can sell it for a profit.
Real estate serves as an excellent source profit through the increase in investment property value over time but it varies significantly by area.

Improving the investment property:

Investment property can also be improved in order to gain a better price and more profit when you want to liquidate the property. Improving the appearance and functionality to the real estate property increases its value. 

Inflation is your friend:

Inflation will be your friend when it comes to real estate. Inflation that drives up construction cost also drives up rents. The increase in population creates demand for houses and again drives up the rents if supply cannot keep race.
If you are fortunate enough and have the experience in locating the value priced property, then real estate investment should be your immediate action to increase your net rate and value of your investment.

Tax advantages:

There are many ways to in which property ownership can be used to legitimate tax avoidance. Though it will not be your main reason to invest in a real estate, it will be a side benefit for you.

Neeta Shah
Neeta Shah
Contact Details
Office :- 022 - 2895 32 32 / 022 - 2894 87 47 /  022 - 28906363
Neeta Shah - 9821411063
Parth Shah - 9821911063
Kalpesh Shah - 9821106543
Manish Sheth - 9821728465
Skype Id :- neeta.shah30
Shop No. 2 & 11 , Shailesh Apartments,
Borivali West, Mumbai – 400103, India

Friday, May 2, 2014

Real Estate Appraisal

Real Estate Appraisal 

The first thing to do for buying or selling a property is to get an appraisal. It is very essential, even you are a first time seller or having lot of experience in real estate investment, you have to get the real estate appraisal before putting it on the market.

Property valuation or the land valuation is the practice of developing an opinion of the value of real property, usually its Market Value.

No two properties are identical and all the properties differ from each other in their location. So, the market value of all the properties is not same and in the absence of market based pricing mechanism, an expert appraisal or valuation of real property is needed. real estate appraisal is performed by a licensed or certified appraiser.

The real value of a property is not in its physical appearance hence, an appraisal is needed. For example, a certain area of land, is allotted the highest and best value in that area under the commercial lot and if you want to buy it for a separate dwelling, then the best option for you to be labeled as residential real estate. Because, constructing a single dwelling in a commercial real estate property is not legal. Hence, whether your property is a 2 room flat or a separate mansion, it is needed to get a real estate appraisal.

There are three ways for valuating a property:

Cost approach:

Cost Approach is also formerly called as summation approach. Value of a property estimated by summing the land value and depreciated value of any improvements.
A cost approach should be done by comparing the analysis of labor, material and other expenditure with the land value.

The cost approach is considered reliable when used on newer properties but it is not much reliable for older properties.

Sales comparison approach: 

To examine the price of the similar real estate properties in that area. Sales comparison approach is very reliable if adequate comparable sales exist. This approach develops value from a purely pricing scheme.

Income capitalization approach:

Capitalization approach is used to evaluate commercial real estate properties. This approach is considered as the most applicable valuation technique where sufficient market data exists to supply necessary inputs and parameters to implement this approach.
Neeta Shah
Neeta Shah
Contact Details
Office :- 022 - 2895 32 32 / 022 - 2894 87 47 /  022 - 28906363
Neeta Shah - 9821411063
Parth Shah - 9821911063
Kalpesh Shah - 9821106543
Manish Sheth - 9821728465
Skype Id :- neeta.shah30
Shop No. 2 & 11 , Shailesh Apartments,
Borivali West, Mumbai – 400103, India